But for once, BAD doesn't mean bad. It means blog action day. And this years topic to discuss is climate change. But what is climate change?
Climate change is the change in our weather patterns that are occuring because of an incrase in the Earth's average temperature. We're losing the ozone layer. That's not good because the ozone layer protects us and our skin but we're still acting stupidly. It's like our world doesn't even care that we're slowly killing ourselves. Not that I'm really doing anything to stop it either. But still... I think everyone else should care so I don't have to. And no one else cares. So, what am I forced to do? I'll join the blogging challege & blog action day, Mrs. Brogley. So WHOO HOO! So the ozone layer is disappearing because we keep burning fossil fuels. And what are fossil fuels? They are coal, oil, & natural gas. And they are NON-RENEWABLE. That's a big clue right there that you shouldn't be using all of them up. So what the heck is everybody's problem?!?! It's not that hard to follow one simple rule, but I guess it is. And now, because of that, we're gonna kill all the polar bears!!!!!! AHHHH!!!
But why are the polar beats going byebye? Well, they could be extinct within 100 years if the climate change continues to melt the North Pole's ice. And guess what? This ice is supposed to be permenant? So why is it melting? Because WE KEEP BURNING OFF ALL THE WORLDS NON-RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES! Makes me wanna SCREAM. So I'm ranting in this blog for blog action day. So thanks for reading, before I go any further.
But how is this affecting us, and why should we care? Well, lemme ask you this: DO YOU WANNA DIE?!?!?! Not to sound mean, or weird, or like a creeper or anything. But seriously. We're gonna die. Or we're gonna get asthma. All of us. Because of the fossil fuel emissions that are killing the Earth and killing US. Because guess what, guys? WE LIVE ON EARTH. I know, I never would've guessed. I thought we lived like, on Pluto or something & we didn't have to worry about this. But we do. But it would be nice if we could stop this wouldn't it? Well... I don't really think we can stop this, but we can slow it down... -ish... You can put more clothes on if your cold instead of turning your heat on. But if you DO have the heat on like the sane people you are, then DON'T OPEN THE WINDOWS IF YOUR HOT, YOU FREAK! Shed a layer, or don't sleep with so many blankets on... Or like, get a fan to circulate the air. But don't open the window because that's just wasting the heat and wasting your parents money, & we already know how crappy the economy is these days... so stop it. You can use weather stripping around your doors. Don't ask me what that is, but you can ask your parents like the article told me to do & you'll figure it out eventually... And shrink wrap your windows so it keeps the heat in... Don't turn on the air conditioner in the summer unless you can't take the heat anymore & you're sweating bullets. And use public transportation, or just WALK.I know, that's a scary thought when we can drive now [at least most of us can] but come on, dude... Don't let your car idle because that releases extra unneeded crap into the air. And that's NOT good.
So I hope you take this into consideration. & you better have. Or I'll hunt you down... just kidding... I'll let the world take care of that for you...
wo theres a lot of words!